You can find technical documentation for Plast Mould products by visting the Download Button. If you are unable to find the necessary documentation, please contact us using this form.
For information concerning the availability of our products see the Where to buy tab on the right side at the top of the website. If we do not have a distribution network in your region, please contact us using this form. We will advise you on how to buy our products in your region.
We make our best efforts to meet the expectations of our customers. However, if you are not satisfied with a specific product, you can raise a complaint. Contact us using this form providing the full details.
For the Plast Mould portfolio see the Products tab on our website. If you need the catalogue in either soft or hard copy, please contact us using this form.
You can Mail Us.
You can Check on the Product Description Page.
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Input from our customers is priceless to us as we work to expand our portfolio. Please submit your suggestions using the form under the Contact tab. Thank you for your commitment.